
The Bank issues loans to legal entities being residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan to fund their business activities.

Loans are provided in non-cash form by transferring credit funds, as well as in compliance with the following principles: maturity, collectability, purposefulness, serviceability, security.

Loans are issued in the national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and in foreign currency for the following purposes: 

Working capital loans

Working capital loans are issued for up to 18 months without opening a loan facility or with opening a loan facility (revolver).

Under the Working Capital Loan, you may: 

  • purchase raw and other materials and components;  
  • pay for services and work performed; 
  • replenish commodity stocks;
  • make seasonal purchases;
  • pay for customs procedures, etc.

Investment Loans

Investment loans are provided for the development and modernization of production processes, increase in production capacities, and business expansion for up to 7 (seven) years. 

As part of Investment Loans, you may:  

  • Purchase fixed assets and intangible assets - real estate, vehicles and equipment; 
  • Carry out construction, repair and reconstruction; 
  • Purchase building materials;
  • Make payment for work and services performed, as well as payment for a license for certain types of activities. 

Collateral for loans:

  • Real estate pledging;
  • Vehicles;
  • Equipment (as additional pledge);  
  • Surety of business owner (founder);  
  • Surety of the State Entrepreneurship Development Support Fund; 
  • Guarantees of other banks. 

Documents for considering a loan application:  

  • Legal entity’s constituent and registration documents; 
  • Information about the current founders; 
  • Financial statements for the last 3 years of activities (balance sheet form 1 and 2); 
  • Business plan;
  • Collateral documents;
  • To consider the expediency of granting a loan, the Bank may request other information and documents depending on the project specifics. 
