Deposits in national currency

Term deposits in national currency for individuals

(Valid from 22.05.2024)

«FOYDA 20 - S55»

  • Interest rate - 20% per annum;
  • Term of the deposit - 6 (six) month;
  • Deposit currency -  national currency (UZS);
  • The minimum deposit amount – 3 000 000 (three million) UZS;
  • The deposit is accepted in cash or non-cash form;
  • Withdrawal form of deposit – currency of deposit;
  • Partial deposit withdrawal is not allowed;
  • Payment of interest - monthly, the final calculation is carried out on the day the deposit is returned;
  • Additional deposit replenishment - for 2 months from the date of deposit;
  • The minimum amount of additional deposit replenishment – 1 000 000 UZS;
  • In case of early withdrawal of the deposit at the initiative of the depositor, the interest is recalculated at the rate of 12% per annum and the amount of interest paid earlier is deducted from the amount of the deposit;
  • Interest is paid on the basis of the actual days the funds are in the deposit;
  • Interest on the deposit is not subject to capitalization.
  • In case of early withdrawal of the deposit at the initiative of the Depositor, the Depositor have to notify the Bank in writen 30 (thirty) working days in advance.

«FOYDA (VI) - 22» (S68)

  • Interest rate of the deposit - 22% per annum;
  • Term of the deposit - 13 (thirteen) months;
  • Deposit currency - national currency (UZS);
  • The minimum deposit amount - 3 000 000 (three million) UZS;
  • The deposit is accepted in cash or non-cash form;
  • Withdrawal form of deposit – currency of deposit;
  • Partial deposit withdrawal is not allowed;
  • Payment of interest - monthly, the final calculation is carried out on the day the deposit is returned;
  • Additional replenishment - within 3 months from the first date of depositing;
  • The minimum amount of additional contribution - 1 000 000 (one million) UZS;
  • In case of early withdrawal of the deposit at the initiative of the client, interest paid earlier deduct from deposit main part and is recalculated and paid on the basis of:
    - 12% per annum - from the deposit opening date to 180 days (180th day is inclusive);
    - 14% per annum - from 181 days to 365 days (365th day is inclusive);
    - 22% per annum - from 366 days to the end of deposit term;
  • Interest is paid on the basis of the actual days the funds are in the deposit;
  • Interest on the deposit is not subject to capitalization;
  • In case of early withdrawal of the deposit at the initiative of the depositor, the depositor has to notify the Bank in written form 30 (thirty) working days in advance.

«FOYDA (VI) - 23» (S69)

  • Interest rate of the deposit - 23% per annum;
  • Term of the deposit - 24 (twenty four) months;
  • Deposit currency - national currency (UZS);
  • The minimum deposit amount - 3 000 000 (three million) UZS;
  • The deposit is accepted in cash or non-cash form;
  • Withdrawal form of deposit – currency of deposit;
  • Partial deposit withdrawal is not allowed;
  • Payment of interest - monthly, the final calculation is carried out on the day the deposit is returned;
  • Additional replenishment - within 6 (six) months from the first date of depositing;
  • The minimum amount of additional contribution - 1 000 000 UZS;
  • In case of early withdrawal of the deposit at the initiative of the client, interest paid earlier deduct from deposit main part and is recalculated and paid on the basis of:
    - 12% per annum - from the deposit opening date to 180 days (180th day is inclusive);
    - 14% per annum - from 181 days to 365 days (365th day is inclusive);
    - 15% per annum - from 366 days to 670 days (670th day is inclusive);
    - 23% per annum - from 671 days to the end of deposit term;
  • Interest is paid on the basis of the actual days the funds are in the deposit;
  • Interest on the deposit is not subject to capitalization;
  • In case of early withdrawal of the deposit at the initiative of the depositor, the depositor has to notify the Bank in written form 30 (thirty) working days in advance.



  • To place a deposit, it is necessary to provide an identity document or documents equivalent to it;
  • The Bank provides services to customers from 09.00 to 13.00 o’clock and from 14:00 to 17:00 o’clock;
  • It is possible to make deposits at any branch and office of Ziraat Bank Uzbekistan JSC.
  • We remind you that in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On guarantees for protection of citizens’ deposits in banks”, the funds of individuals placed on deposit accounts of commercial banks are protected by the state and reliable guarantees are statutorily secured for the payment of compensations upon citizens’ deposits, as well as information on cash funds and depositors is a bank secret.
  • For non-residents. Since the deposit relationship is regulated by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 10% tax is withheld from deposit interest payments (income) in accordance with Articles 366, 382 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Omonatning valyutasi UZS
Omonat nomi Foyda-22
Omonat boʼyicha yillik foiz stavkasi (agar omonat boʼyicha yillik foiz stavkasi differentsiallashgan yoki omonatni rasmiylashtirish usuliga bogʼliq boʼlsa, har biri alohida koʼrsatiladi) 22%
Omonat boʼyicha hisoblangan foizlarni kapitalizatsiyasi mavjudligi (hisoblangan foizni asosiy mablagʼga qoʼshib qayta foiz hisoblash) Omonat foizlari kapitalizasiya qilinmaydi
Omonatning muddati 13 oy
Omonat boʼyicha foizlarni toʼlash davriyligi 3000000
Omonat boʼyicha foizlarni toʼlash davriyligi

Har oyda, yakuniy hisob-kitob omonatning qaytarish kunida amalga oshiriladi.

Omonatni rasmiylashtirish usuli(onlayn yoki bankka tashrif buyurish orqali) Omonatni "Ziraat Bank Uzbekistan"ning barcha filiallarida va ofislarida rasmiylashtirishingiz mumkin
Аvtouzaytirish (omonat muddati tugaganda omonat muddatini bank tomonidan bir tomonlama uzaytirish) Mavjud emas
Boshqa shartlar

Omonatni qabul qilish shakli - naqd yoki naqdsiz shaklda;

Omonatni qaytarish shakli - omonat kiritilgan valyutada;

Qo’shimcha badal - omonat kiritilgan sanadan boshlab 3 oy davomida;

Omonatga qoʼyilgan pul mablagʼlarini omonat muddati tugagunga qadar qisman yechib olish imkoniyatining mavjudligi *
Omonat shartnomasini muddatidan oldin bekor qilish tartibi

Omonatchining tashabbusiga ko‘ra omonat muddatidan avval qaytarib olinganda omonat buyicha avval to‘langan foizlar quyidagicha qayta hisoblanib omonatning asosiy summasidan ushlab qolinadi:

 - Yillik 12% – omonat kiritilgan sanadan boshlab 180 kungacha (180-chi kun ham);

 - Yillik 14% – omonat kiritilgan sanadan boshlab 181-chi kundan boshlab 365 kungacha (365-chi kun ham);

 - Yillik 22% – omonat kiritilgan sanadan boshlab 366-chi kundan boshlab omonat muddati yakunlangunga qadar.


Omonatning valyutasi UZS
Omonat nomi Foyda-20
Omonat boʼyicha yillik foiz stavkasi (agar omonat boʼyicha yillik foiz stavkasi differentsiallashgan yoki omonatni rasmiylashtirish usuliga bogʼliq boʼlsa, har biri alohida koʼrsatiladi) 20%
Omonat boʼyicha hisoblangan foizlarni kapitalizatsiyasi mavjudligi (hisoblangan foizni asosiy mablagʼga qoʼshib qayta foiz hisoblash) Omonat foizlari kapitalizasiya qilinmaydi
Omonatning muddati 6 oy
Omonat boʼyicha foizlarni toʼlash davriyligi 3000000
Omonat boʼyicha foizlarni toʼlash davriyligi

Har oyda, yakuniy hisob-kitob omonatni qaytarilish kunida amalga oshiriladi;


Omonatni rasmiylashtirish usuli(onlayn yoki bankka tashrif buyurish orqali) Omonatni "Ziraat Bank Uzbekistan"ning barcha filiallarida va ofislarida rasmiylashtirishingiz mumkin
Аvtouzaytirish (omonat muddati tugaganda omonat muddatini bank tomonidan bir tomonlama uzaytirish) Mavjud emas
Boshqa shartlar

Omonatni qabul qilish shakli - naqd yoki naqdsiz shaklda;
Omonatni qaytarish shakli - omonat kiritilgan valyutada;
Qo’shimcha badal - omonat kiritilgan sanadan boshlab 2 oy davomida;


Omonatga qoʼyilgan pul mablagʼlarini omonat muddati tugagunga qadar qisman yechib olish imkoniyatining mavjudligi *
Omonat shartnomasini muddatidan oldin bekor qilish tartibi

Omonatchining tashabbusiga ko‘ra omonat muddatidan avval qaytarib olinganda, foizlar yillik 12% miqdorida qayta hisoblanib, oldindan to‘langan foizlar miqdori omonat summasidan ushlab qolinadi;


Omonatning valyutasi UZS
Omonat nomi Foyda-23
Omonat boʼyicha yillik foiz stavkasi (agar omonat boʼyicha yillik foiz stavkasi differentsiallashgan yoki omonatni rasmiylashtirish usuliga bogʼliq boʼlsa, har biri alohida koʼrsatiladi) 23%
Omonat boʼyicha hisoblangan foizlarni kapitalizatsiyasi mavjudligi (hisoblangan foizni asosiy mablagʼga qoʼshib qayta foiz hisoblash) Omonat foizlari kapitalizasiya qilinmaydi
Omonatning muddati 24 oy
Omonat boʼyicha foizlarni toʼlash davriyligi 3000000
Omonat boʼyicha foizlarni toʼlash davriyligi

Har oyda, yakuniy hisob-kitob omonatni qaytarilish kunida amalga oshiriladi;

Omonatni rasmiylashtirish usuli(onlayn yoki bankka tashrif buyurish orqali) Omonatni "Ziraat Bank Uzbekistan"ning barcha filiallarida va ofislarida rasmiylashtirishingiz mumkin
Аvtouzaytirish (omonat muddati tugaganda omonat muddatini bank tomonidan bir tomonlama uzaytirish) Mavjud emas
Boshqa shartlar

Omonatni qabul qilish shakli - naqd yoki naqdsiz shaklda;

Omonatni qaytarish shakli - omonat kiritilgan valyutada;

Qo’shimcha badal - omonat kiritilgan sanadan boshlab 6 oy davomida;

Omonatga qoʼyilgan pul mablagʼlarini omonat muddati tugagunga qadar qisman yechib olish imkoniyatining mavjudligi *
Omonat shartnomasini muddatidan oldin bekor qilish tartibi

Omonatchining tashabbusiga ko‘ra omonat muddatidan avval qaytarib olinganda omonat bo’yicha avval to‘langan foizlar quyidagicha qayta hisoblanib omonatning asosiy so’mmasidan ushlab qolinadi:

- Yillik 12% – omonat kiritilgan sanadan boshlab kundan 180 kungacha (180-chi kun ham);

- Yillik 14% – omonat kiritilgan sanadan boshlab 181-chi kundan boshlab 365 kungacha (365-chi kun ham);

- Yillik 15% – omonat kiritilgan sanadan boshlab 366-chi kundan boshlab 670 kungacha (670-chi kun ham);

Yillik 23% – omonat kiritilgan sanadan boshlab 671-chi kundan boshlab omonat muddati yakunlangunga qadar.
